Email Notification 4 TaskFreak! --------------------------------------------------- Date: June 26, 2007 Version: 0.1.7 Authors: Searcher For: TaskFreak Multi User 0.6.1 --------------------------------------------------- HOW TO INSTALL: 1. Using the Plugin Manager either download it from the online list or upload the plugin via the browser 2. Install 3. Open include/config.php and change the default settings 4. Enjoy! HOW TO REINSTALL/UPDATE: 1. You need to REMOVE the old version BEFORE you install the new one 2. If you didn't modify the code, the only leftovers will be your settings 3. INSTALL the new version 4. Open include/config.php and update your NEW (check the version) email settings with the old ones 5. Remove the old settings (duplicates) 6. Enjoy! Email updater enables fully automatic email notification triggered by changes in: - Comments - Status - Create / Update task - Files (if File Attachments plugin is installed) The email contains a direct link which takes you to the login page if you are not logged in. Email design can be found in /plugins/data/installed/EmailNotify_0.x.x/include/Notify.php - please feel free to modify it to your needs Check your config.php for default settings # ~~~ EMAIL NOTIFICATION PLUGIN SETTINGS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # define('PLG_EMAIL_VER', "0.1.7"); define('PLG_EMAIL_TITLE', "EmailNotify_".PLG_EMAIL_VER); define('PLG_EMAIL_DIR', PRJ_ROOT_PATH."plugins/data/installed/".PLG_EMAIL_TITLE."/"); // sender identification, email address - default: define('PLG_EMAIL_FROM', ""); // sender identification, name - default: TaskFreak! Management System define('PLG_EMAIL_FROM_NAME', "TaskFreak! Management System"); // main recipient identification - default: define('PLG_EMAIL_TO', ""); // recipients invisible to each other - if set to false PLG_EMAIL_TO is ignored define('PLG_EMAIL_BCC', false); // user who triggered the notification will receive the email define('PLG_EMAIL_USER', true); // only owner of the task will receive the email & the author if PLG_EMAIL_USER set to true define('PLG_EMAIL_OWNER_ONLY', false); // override global settings and send emails to people based on their position in the project define('PLG_EMAIL_BY_POSITION', false); // PLG_EMAIL_OWNER_ONLY disables this setting, set it to false // setting for PLG_EMAIL_BY_POSITION, which positions will receive emails define('PLG_EMAIL_POSITIONS', "3,4,5"); // 1 - visitor, 2 - official, 3 - member, 4 - moderator, 5 - leader // Swift sending options - for other settings edit Notify.php (SSL, TLS, Auth) define('PLG_EMAIL_SWIFT', "smtp"); // smtp, sendmail or phpmail // Sendmail path - this is the default location on most linux systems define('PLG_EMAIL_SENDMAIL', "/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs"); // SMTP server - required only if PLG_EMAIL_SWIFT is set to smtp define('PLG_EMAIL_SERVER', ""); // SMTP server timeout - sometimes required for anti-spam delays define('PLG_EMAIL_SERVER_TIMEOUT', 30); // if your SMTP server requires authentification set PLG_EMAIL_SERVER_AUTH to true define('PLG_EMAIL_SERVER_AUTH', false); define('PLG_EMAIL_SERVER_USER', ""); define('PLG_EMAIL_SERVER_PASS', "***"); // no recipients error - if you want to be notified about no recipients define('PLG_EMAIL_NO_RCP', true); // false for silent // debug mode - will echo out all email info instead of sending define('PLG_EMAIL_DEBUG', true); // just to make sure u've read all the options - please set to true define('PLG_EMAIL_ENABLED', true); # ~~~ EMAIL NOTIFICATION PLUGIN SETTINGS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #