---[find]--- // === TASKFREAK CUSTOMIZATION ================================ ---[replace]--- // === TASKFREAK CUSTOMIZATION ================================ # ~~~ EMAIL NOTIFICATION PLUGIN SETTINGS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # define('PLG_EMAIL_VER', "0.1.7"); define('PLG_EMAIL_TITLE', "EmailNotify_".PLG_EMAIL_VER); define('PLG_EMAIL_DIR', PRJ_ROOT_PATH."plugins/data/installed/".PLG_EMAIL_TITLE."/"); // sender identification, email address - default: taskfreak@yourdomain.com define('PLG_EMAIL_FROM', "taskfreak@yourdomain.com"); // sender identification, name - default: TaskFreak! Management System define('PLG_EMAIL_FROM_NAME', "TaskFreak! Management System"); // main recipient identification - default: taskfreak@yourdomain.com define('PLG_EMAIL_TO', "taskfreak@yourdomain.com"); // recipients invisible to each other - if set to false PLG_EMAIL_TO is ignored define('PLG_EMAIL_BCC', false); // user who triggered the notification will receive the email define('PLG_EMAIL_USER', true); // only owner of the task will receive the email & the author if PLG_EMAIL_USER set to true define('PLG_EMAIL_OWNER_ONLY', false); // override global settings and send emails to people based on their position in the project define('PLG_EMAIL_BY_POSITION', false); // PLG_EMAIL_OWNER_ONLY disables this setting, set it to false // setting for PLG_EMAIL_BY_POSITION, which positions will receive emails define('PLG_EMAIL_POSITIONS', "3,4,5"); // 1 - visitor, 2 - official, 3 - member, 4 - moderator, 5 - leader // Swift sending options - for other settings edit Notify.php (SSL, TLS, Auth) define('PLG_EMAIL_SWIFT', "smtp"); // smtp, sendmail or phpmail // Sendmail path - this is the default location on most linux systems define('PLG_EMAIL_SENDMAIL', "/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs"); // SMTP server - required only if PLG_EMAIL_SWIFT is set to smtp define('PLG_EMAIL_SERVER', "mail.yourdomain.com"); // SMTP server timeout - sometimes required for anti-spam delays define('PLG_EMAIL_SERVER_TIMEOUT', 30); // if your SMTP server requires authentification set PLG_EMAIL_SERVER_AUTH to true define('PLG_EMAIL_SERVER_AUTH', false); define('PLG_EMAIL_SERVER_USER', "name@yourdomain.com"); define('PLG_EMAIL_SERVER_PASS', "***"); // no recipients error - if you want to be notified about no recipients define('PLG_EMAIL_NO_RCP', true); // false for silent // debug mode - will echo out all email info instead of sending define('PLG_EMAIL_DEBUG', false); // just to make sure u've read all the options - please set to true define('PLG_EMAIL_ENABLED', false); # ~~~ EMAIL NOTIFICATION PLUGIN SETTINGS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #